Course Introduction


These short courses and modular program series aim to enhance knowledge and skills on risk management and insurance for practitioners and professionals. Learning modules address current issues and possible solutions to excel in business practice and corporate goals. Course delivery and learning elements are designed in the context of seamless business environments, tech disruption, and diversified and dynamic markets.


- Learn how to design and innovate cutting edge insurance products
- Take knowledge on a business solution to sustain growth and maintain market relevance
- Learn an agile process and agile tech for corporate transformation and resilience

Target Audiences

- Manager and practitioners from the insurance and financial service profession

Subject Content

Module-1: Product Design and Development

- Generating ideas for new product and service

- Researching and developing new product and service ideas

- Product or service pricing and market testing

Module-2: Investment and Risk Management

- Principles of enterprise risk management

- Cyber risk management and insurance regulation

- Sustainability: seeing through the haze

Module-3: Marketing

- Digital marketing

- Market strategies: market intelligence and analytics

- Innovating marketing

Module-4: Service management

- Claim management

- Contract management system

- Negotiation strategy and practice

Module-5: Agile Management

- Redesigning organization by an agile development process

- Agile business strategies

- AI applications and agile technologies


Method of Delivery

- Input session
- Case study
- Group/Individual assignment
- Project work

Tuition Fee

1 800.00 USD

Tuition Fee THB

฿ 61074.00

Date Range

15 - 24 Jul 2024