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Today, during this information age, the managers, administrators and technologists must prepare themselves to prepare themselves with the current knowledge on e-governance policies, strategies, framework and cybersecurity which is turning to be mandatory in every organization. Now a days, policy makers, administrators and relevant personnel of organizations must prepare themselves to meet the challenges by enhancing their knowledge and skills through similar and relevant professional development courses.
Objective:The main objectives of the course are to understand the e-Governance policies, strategies and framework, e-Governance architecture and e-Governance technologies, ethics and cybersecurity.
TIMING: 02 – 06 December 2019.
VENUE:AIT, Thailand
PARTICIPANTS:12 participants.
COURSE COORDINATOR(S): Mr. Syed Muntasir Husain Bokhari, Ms. Thaniya Jirasathithpornpong and Mr. Md. Omar Farouk
CONTACT : Mr. Fazle Karim
Director (Programs)
AIT Extension
Asian Institute of Technology
Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay