Date Range

22 - 28 Nov 2019

This six days professional development course on Effective Management Skills is prepared in response in response to a request by Additional Secretary (Admin 1), Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka.

Objective:  At the end of the program the participants will have

  • Sharpened their understanding on the need and benefits of talent management and intellectual capital;
  • Understood the challenges and benefits in public-private partnership;
  • Identified the different alternative to recruitment method and its challenges;
  •  Enhanced knowledge on financial analysis of projects;
  •  Insight into situational leadership;
  •  Acquired relevant knowledge on community engagement in policy development;
  • Gained understanding on grievance handling.

TIMING:The training course will be held during 22– 28 Nov. 2019.

VENUE:AIT, Thailand

PARTICIPANTS: 21 participants

COURSE DIRECTOR:   Mr. Fazle Karim

COURSE COORDINATOR(S):     Ms. Mahbooba Amin

CONTACT :Mr. Fazle Karim

Director (Program)

Senior Program Specialist

AIT Extension

Asian Institute of Technology
