Online Training Session on Packaging Innovation for Food Product Value Creation

Jointly organized Thai Packaging Centre, Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research(TISTR) Thailand and AIT Extension, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand   


Packaging has become increasingly important in manufacturing, transportation, and distribution. Proper packaging helps extend the product's shelf life, create value addition, and reduce damage and production cost. In the food packaging value chain, approximately 38% of packaging is used in the food industry, and 18% is used in the beverage industry. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to understand fundamental knowledge of packaging, such as packaging material selection and properties of packaging, including test methods, to gain important information for packaging design and development. In addition, it is also important to know the trends and directions for the future of packaging.


1. To know the importance and types of food packaging

2. To be able to design and select packaging materials that are appropriate for the products

3. To know the trends and directions of packaging in the future

4. To familiarize packaging test methods for food packaging materials

Program Contents :

Module 1: Food Packaging Introduction

Module 2: Packaging Development for Food products

Module 3: Trends & Innovation in Food Packaging

Module 4: Packaging Testing

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