Professional Development Course on International Financial Reporting Standards for Gas and Oil companies, 20 – 29 June 2018

This ten days course on International Financial Reporting Standards for Gas and Oil Companies is organized for accountants, auditors and financial managers contributing to the decision-making process in their own organization. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) provide the basis for company reporting in an increasing number of countries around the world. The pace of standard-setting from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has been intense in recent years, with a constant flow of changes for companies to keep up with. One of the biggest challenges of any reporting standard is how best to interpret and implement it in the context of a specific company or industry.

Objective:The course will provide a comprehensive overview of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) oriented to the accounting and auditing practices in the oil and gas industries.  By the end of the course, the participants are expected to be able to evaluate the accounting and financial challenges in the implementation and practices of IFRS. The participants would be able to comprehend energy and utilities value chain and significant accounting issues.

TIMING: The training course will be held during 20 – 29 June 2018.

VENUE:  Bali, Jember and Surabaya, Indonesia

PARTICIPANTS:20 mid and junior level officers.


COURSE COORDINATOR(S):     Mr. Tharakorn Chanlapa and Mr. Syed Muntasir Husain Bokhari

CONTACT: Mr. Fazle Karim

Senior Program Specialist

AIT Extension

Asian Institute of Technology
